A blog about books, brands, films and exhibitions... and quite a lot about paintings...

Monday 11 June 2012


Perhaps it is heresy and perhaps I shouldn’t say
But there’s something I’ve been thinking on all this Jubilee Day
The scheming Boleyn sisters, their cunning and their wit
The way they reeled the Great King in, bit by tiny bit.
One sister set the scene, pure innocence and charm
The other was more risqué, a cause for Royal alarm.
Their parents were social climbers, the brother was in it too
Do you see where I’m going with this, do I need to spell it out to you?
The Middleton sisters are not quite the Boleyns
They’ve only ensnared a Prince, and failed to catch a King…
But Pippa’s moving in Kate, her bottom caused a stir
At your Royal Wedding, all eyes were on her!
So make sure you snip it in the bud
And lop off her pretty head
Or else – as your Tudor pals would warn you
It’ll be her in William’s bed!

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